“You are all wonderously made, girls. Remember that: wonderously made, and your should carry your sex proudly, a badge of honor.”
~ Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Your Sexuality Foundations
Every woman is unique and therefore every session is unique. Before we even meet each other in person you will fill out a personal sexual history that will begin to flesh out who you are as a sexual being.
We will look at things like:
- Social conditioning that drives your beliefs
- Belief systems around who you are
- Initial sexual experiences (good and bad, although we don’t need to relive any past traumas)
- What you would like to work on (sexual awakening, empowerment, sexual expression)
- We’ll look at pleasure, orgasm, libido, desire, love-making skill satisfaction
This information will begin to create a picture for me of how we can structure out sessions.
Preparation Work
This next step begins to address who you really are in relationship to your sexuality. Often times we put on a mask to fit in or please someone, but who are you really is the question that we want to uncover, so you can begin to more towards an authentic realization of yourself.
We will:
- Uncover cultural, personal myths working against you
- Uncover negative body image, past hurts and violations
- Uncover fear, doubt, shame and guilt around sex
- Uncover belief systems that limit who you are
Request a 30 minute FREE phone consultation
Ground Work
Now that we have a good idea of you needs and desires. The possibilities are wide open depending on what we have uncovered. Here are a few examples:
Relationship with your sexual self
- Build self-acceptance (self-image and expectations of sex)
- Build self-confidence as a sexual being
- Reducing shame about your body, genitals and self
- Build your empowered female presence
- Build your voice around your desires and more importantly your non-desires
Rewriting your pleasure script
- Designing your pleasure path (What is good sex? What is pleasure? What pleasure isn’t.)
- Expanding the bedroom repertoire (self-pleasure, toys, and much more)
- Learning how to work with what you have
- Learning why relaxation actually helps your orgasm and libido
- Orgasm Training (What is orgasm, How to have orgasm, How to prolong/have multiple orgasms, Understanding what orgasm is and isn’t)
Sex and Aging
- Understanding the impacts of aging on your sexuality
- Dealing with the pain in your body/vulva/vagina
- Learning relaxation techniques to get you out of your head
- Using pleasure to change your tune
- Using toys for maximum pleasure
- Dispelling myths of sex and aging: You’re never too old for sex

Ground Work
Now that we have a good idea of you needs and desires. The possibilities are wide open depending on what we have uncovered. Here are a few examples:
Relationship with your sexual self
- Build self-acceptance (self-image and expectations of sex)
- Build self-confidence as a sexual being
- Reducing shame about your body, genitals and self
- Build your empowered female presence
- Build your voice around your desires and more importantly your non-desires
Rewriting your pleasure script
- Designing your pleasure path (What is good sex? What is pleasure? What pleasure isn’t.)
- Expanding the bedroom repertoire (self-pleasure, toys, and much more)
- Learning how to work with what you have
- Learning why relaxation actually helps your orgasm and libido
- Orgasm Training (What is orgasm, How to have orgasm, How to prolong/have multiple orgasms, Understanding what orgasm is and isn’t)
Sex and Aging
- Understanding the impacts of aging on your sexuality
- Dealing with the pain in your body/vulva/vagina
- Learning relaxation techniques to get you out of your head
- Using pleasure to change your tune
- Using toys for maximum pleasure
- Dispelling myths of sex and aging: You’re never too old for sex
Relating to Your Sexual Partner
How to talk about sex with your partner
Techniques for building trust and connection
Learning to ask for what you want and don’t want
Things you can do for him or her that will make you happy
Redefining good sex
- Taking the cultural norm out of the bedroom (i.e. orgasm isn’t the only goal during sex)
- Goalless pleasure receiving
- Techniques for receiving pleasure
- One-way touch
- Breath work
- Working with different tools to see what good sex can be (Tantra, BDSM, etc.)
Sex and Aging
- Acknowledging aging and understanding what aging is
- Learning different techniques for having sex as we age
- Learning to love the soft-on
- Dealing with sexual desire discrepancy
- Dealing with pain
Rekindling the passion
- How to date (again) your current partner
- Bringing fun back into the bedroom
- Sharing deeper desires (fantasies, fetishes)
- Tantra for Two
- Relationship to roll-playing playing a roll in your relationship
- Bringing fantasy into the bedroom
- Discovering alternatives relationship styles that can work for you and your partner
Working with your partner…
Often, I hear from women that they would like to work with their partner and I can certainly support that. I recommend that we work together privately initially since adding your partner will absolutely change the dynamics of what you are able to receive. When you are ready we then bring in your partner in a number of different possibilities.
Your Safety and Privacy Protection
I understand that safety is of the utmost importance to you. There are unscrupulous practitioners out there passing themselves off as experts. To help alleviate your concerns and establish a level of trust safety, please read my ethics and privacy statements. I am happy to have conversations with you where you can ask me any question you need to feel comfortable with the work we may potentially embark on.