“It’s time we saw sex as the truly sacred art that it is. A deep meditation, a holy communion and a dance with the force of creation.”
~ Marcus Allen
An Introduction to T A N T R A
Intimacy Coaching with Daka Dan
What is tantra and how can you use this for yourself and within your relationship? Tantra when referenced in the West typically references tantric sex. Strictly speaking Tantra is based in Hinduism and Buddhism. Western Tantra or Neo-tantra or most often in the West referred to as simply Tantra is the spiritual practice of connective sexual energy. This work often involved ceremony, directed consciousness for the outcomes of sexual engagement (often times does not even include intercourse) and many other activities that help connect our sexuality to spirit and to our partner.
Tantra as a practice, whether with yourself or a partner, helps you to develop a consciousness to sexuality that can increase your energetic potential including powerful orgasms instead of the simple “sneeze orgasm” that we most often have based on our current training. Tantra creates connection to yourself and your partner. It helps to evolve your connection to your partner beyond anything you may have imagined before. Tantra helps you to enjoy the journey instead of striving for that goal. Often the journey can be as enjoyable as the 4-6 seconds of bliss, but last for hours.
An Introduction to
Intimacy Coaching
with Daka Dan
What is tantra and how can you use this for yourself and within your relationship? Tantra when referenced in the West typically references tantric sex. Strictly speaking Tantra is based in Hinduism and Buddhism. Western Tantra or Neo-tantra or most often in the West referred to as simply Tantra is the spiritual practice of connective sexual energy. This work often involved ceremony, directed consciousness for the outcomes of sexual engagement (often times does not even include intercourse) and many other activities that help connect our sexuality to spirit and to our partner.
Tantra as a practice, whether with yourself or a partner, helps you to develop a consciousness to sexuality that can increase your energetic potential including powerful orgasms instead of the simple “sneeze orgasm” that we most often have based on our current training. Tantra creates connection to yourself and your partner. It helps to evolve your connection to your partner beyond anything you may have imagined before. Tantra helps you to enjoy the journey instead of striving for that goal. Often the journey can be as enjoyable as the 4-6 seconds of bliss, but last for hours.

What to expect in private Tantra coaching sessions
Connecting to the Inner Self
Learning about your sexual energy
- Connecting sexuality to spirituality
- Visualization techniques
- Learning to enjoy the journey
New language that honors sacredness of sexuality
- Learning a new language when referring to sex
- Learning to say an authentic “yes” by being able to truly say “no.”
Learning to amplify your sexual energy
- Becoming the goddess
- Breath work for orgasm
- Slowing down to get more
Connecting to the Beloved
Creating conscious connection
- Eye-gazing
- Balancing the masculine and feminine energies
- Creating a good communication practice
Tantric rituals and practice together
- The creation of ritual in the bedroom
- Creating Sex Magic ceremony
- Orgasmic control for him and her
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